Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Messin' With The Kid(Season 6, Episode 7)

Samantha tests the bounds of her new home: she sneaks out and tries to buy drinks at Tric. Owen delivers her back to angry Brooke. Things are frosty between Brooke and Owen since he dumped her back when she started taking care of the baby.

Brooke bursts into into the English class and reacquires some items that Samantha "borrowed." This gives Haley the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the day's lesson: how to write haikus! She's great at coming up with stuff off the cuff.

Okay....Peyton and Lucas decide to spend all day inside, without going out. Peyton wants to test to see if they will survive moving in together(she got this idea from "B. Davis" magazine.)They argue about stupid things, like Peyton's love of certain music and Lucas' tattoo.

A street performer recognizes Haley on the street and starts performing that "Stars Go Blue" song. The lady says she's keeping a slot open on her shelf for Haley's next album. Maybe she can do a spoken word album. You know, haikus.

Jamie wears his cape to school and gets picked on by another kid(Chuck.) Haley's advice for her son is very naive: he should just walk away when he gets bullied. Nathan has a problem with this but says nothing. Haley attempts to have a conversation with Chuck's mother, which does not go well at all. Write a song about that, Haley.

The people at the television station can't wait to give Mouth his gosh darn job back, since he's the employee  that seems to know what he was doing. Mouth gets a raise, an office, and an intern. It's Gigi! This will be a problem.

Nathan solves the bully situation he puts on a cape himself and shows up on the playground with a box full of them(made by Brooke,)which makes Jamie cool. 

Owen apologizes to Brooke for ditching her and never calling again. That resolves that hanging plot thread. Brook has it up to HERE with Samantha's sneaking out and decides she's had enough of trying to help out. Brooke changes her mind of course....

Samantha has a sob story:  the waitress at the diner is her mother, and unaware of her existence. Samantha goes there to try to work up the courage to introduce herself, but cannot get over abandonment feelings! Brooke lays down curfew rules, which must be obeyed or else.

A touching moment: Dan makes sure Jamie is okay from future bullying. He does this by subtly threatening Chuck's mother. Now if you'll excuse him, he has a meeting with his parole officer. He was in prison for a murder.


  1. That Damn Dan! Was checking around to see if there were any memes for the guy & lookie here! http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t1.0-0/s200x200/1005410_528683617185349_1382480235_n.jpg
