Sunday, August 31, 2014

For Tonight You're Only Here To Know(Season 5, Episode 9)

This one begins with Haley and Peyton shooting Mia's music video in a mock up set of Haley's class. That girl's career is moving fast.

It's time for a big game, which causes everyone to be melancholy about the past. Lucas wishes for Keith could be present for his coaching deal, while Mouth misses his deceased pal Jimmy. Mouth has gotten the sports anchor position at the station, and he's announcing the game.

Looks like Quentin is still on the team, despite his injury. The team gets new uniforms, and Jamie gets one too for some reason.

Haley, Lindsay and Brooke spot Mia in the library of the school, and go in to talk to her. But SURPRISE! Peyton is there, because she's decide to show Mia around the school. The fireworks between Lindsay and Peyton begin in earnest: Lindsay calls Peyton a "bulimic bitch" and attempts to leave, but the door is now locked tight. The phones don't work, everybody's at the game, and Brooke's cell battery is dead! You know what that means....Girl fight.

Mia loves this, because she gets to learn more about her new friends. The conversation quickly  turns to Brooke and her mother  issues. Brooke is defensive claiming her mother helped her form her company. Haley helpfully reminds Brooke that she built the company herself. Haley was there when it happened!

Comical moment #1: Lindsay is claustrophobic, and attempts to break a window. She falls over because the chair she lifts is too heavy!

 Comical moment #2: Mia is checking the scores for the game on the internet. Peyton quickly realizes that they can use the computer to order a pizza, and get out when the delivery guy arrives. This leads to an argument amongst the girls over which toppings to get on the pizza. IT DOESN'T MATTER, YOU CRAZY KIDS!

Comical Moment #3: Mia can't help but read all the comments that internet trolls are leaving about her performance at Tric. She has smelly feet? That's pretty tame, actually.

The pizza delivery guy arrives to save the day! It's Tim, and he's just as wacky as ever. He ends up locked inside with the girls, and he does what Tim does best...make sexual innuendos about being locked inside a library with a bunch of hot women.

Tim has a son (named after Nathan, that's weird)and he's just trying to makes ends meet.

Being in  the library where she was shot makes Peyton a little moodier than usual, so when the gang starts riffing on made up song lyrics, Peyton creates a devastating song about Lindsay....

Oh snap! Looks like I put that list together a little early. Anyway Lindsay is really really hurt by this to the point of tears. Lindsay tells Peyton she admired the character of "Peyton" from the book, and wishes the real version could be so noble.

Turns out that Lindsay lost her father to cancer, which now means that she and Peyton now have something in common. They have a heart to heart! They're still not friends, but still....

Tim announces it's time for him to go, and he casually strides over and removes a locking rod from the door. When the girls inquire why he kept this from them so long, he says that he missed being with them. And then Tim disappears into the night. Or maybe...he was never there at all! Maybe Tim is an angel now.

(That's the best screen cap ever)


TRIVIA: We see Brooke reading an issue of her magazine. The girl on the back is Solaris, the druggy model that Brooke met in New York in Season 3 All Tomorrow's Parties(Season 3, Episode 14)  A.K.A The One Where Brooke Does The Robot!

It's not mentioned, it just appears to be as an easter egg  there for eagle eyed viewers to pick up on.

My Top Five Peyton Moments On One Tree Hill!

Although the One Tree Hill portion of this blog may be heavily Brooke and Haley biased, i still have a special place in my noggin for Peyton(or as I like to call her, the Curly Surly One.) So I chose five great things that she did on the series. 

In all honesty: I made up that Curly Surly One thing just then.


1) Peyton "nut shots" the Ravens mascot!(Season 3, Episode 5)

Rachel takes it upon herself the choreography of the cheerleader's routine before a big big game, causing an argument with Brooke. This soon turns into an all out brawl, with slaps and punches being thrown, and the poor mascot becomes a target of Peyton's wrath. Completely unnecessary, but hilarious.

2) Taking a stand against intolerance!(Season 2, Episode 10)

Some jerkass(read:Felix)paints the word "dyke" one Peyton's locker, which of course may cause spread that she may be a lesbian. Peyton reacts to this by wearing a t shirt with the word on it as a form of reappropriation. The principal confronts Peyton with her blatant violation of the school dress code, and she takes off the shirt and storms out in her bra. YEAH!

3) Peyton argues with herself(Season 3, Episode 9)

Struggling to comes to terms with her birth mother Ellie's approaching death, Peyton struggles with her inner demons, which appear in the form of..herself dressed in the dark angel costume she wore for a masquerade party. This being taunts her with her fear of being abandoned by everyone in her life(her step mother, Ellie, Jake, etc.) Slightly bizarre, but well played.

4) Peyton finds her mother's body(Season 3, Episode 13)

Peyton and Ellie bond over the creation of an album to raise money for breast cancer awareness. Peyton happily drives to her Ellie's to show her the first copies of the CD...and discovers that her mother has succumbed to her illness. One of the saddest moments on One Tree Hill.

5)Shocked by goofballs, wowed by Rachel(Season 3, Episode 5) 

The cheerleader tryouts bring out the nerds and wackos. Things look dire, until Rachel shows up and impresses Peyton with her awesome dance routine. Both the wackos and the Rachel give us priceless Peyton reaction shots!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Please Please Please Le Me Get What I Want(Season 5, Episode 8)

We see a replay of the end of the last episode, only from Lindsay and Lucas' point of view. Lucas comes back to his apartment to find Lindsay in tears ready to go back to New York. She's discovered the ring and wants to know why he has not proposed yet. Lucas expresses doubts about his future: what if he's just a one hit one wonder as a writer, and he ends up just as a small town basketball coach? Lindsay  claims she would love him anyway, and this seals the deal and he proposes. Then Peyton shows up and gets the surprise of her life.

Haley expresses her concerns to Nathan about the Lucas Peyton make out session. She thinks that maybe she should tell her new best friend(Lindsay)about the whole thing. Nathan tells Haley to stay the hell out of this. He shows some real wisdom here.

Luckily Peyton has Brooke's shoulder to cry on. They burn a copy of one of the many  "Unkindness Of Ravens" novels that Peyton has, and it seems to be symbolic of the end of the Lucas-Peyton thing for good. Right?

Wrong! Peyton shows at at Lucas office at the school and begs him not to marry Lindsay. She grovels worse than Haley did to Nathan in that  Season 3 premiere. Hard to watch. Speaking of Haley, she sticks her nose in and warns Lucas what a huge commitment marriage is. Look at Haley, all judgmental and preachy!


Haley's meddling continues in the studio.She outwardly accuses Peyton of cheating. While this happens, Mia records her song in the foreground completely oblivious. Won't someone think about this girl's future?

Haley can't leave the studio, which means Nanny Carrie has more time to sink her claws into Nathan and Jamie. The boy calls her "mama" accidentally, and and Nanny Carrie reveals that she pretends Jamie is her son. Which means that this thing is going to get ugly real fast.

Mouth is packing up his stuff when his bald coworker/friend comes in with good news: Boss Lady Alice was fired, for sleeping with someone in the office! Someone other than Mouth. The anchor man to be exact. The head of the network wants Mouth to take the spot. Which means Mouth can just keep on working like he was never fired! Happens all the time in real life I bet.

Millie has discovered(From Brooke)about Mouth's boss bangin', and she wants nothing to do with him, until he takes her to the tv station control and thrills her with his love of the sports. And it totally works. Only on a fictional drama!

Brooke believes Owen is the bee's knees(thanks to his frequent flirting lately), so she ingratiates herself to him by getting naked in the back seat of his car. Have I typed something like that before? Anyway, Owen is ready and willing to do you know what, but Brooke is just teasing. Oh, that Brooke!

CLIFFHANGER! Haley comes home, unaware of the horror unfolding under her very nose!

Quentin's wrist is sprained from knocking out that dude! What will he do NOW!?