Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers(Season 4, Episode 14)
Karen watches home movies of young Lucas when Dan arrives. He's nervous about Lucas' refusal to believe that Jimmy killed Keith. He schemes to feel out the situation by taking Lucas' shopping for a tuxedo for the school's senior prom.
Lucas gave his novel to Goth Glenda to read, and she wants to talk to him about a certain chapter. Lucas Lies to inquisitive Peyton about this: he tells her he let Glenda borrow The Great Gatsby. Peyton feigns ignorance at first, but it turns out she knows there is no chapter ten in The Great Gatsby. Will Lucas let Peyton read his freaking book?
Debra survived her suicide attempt. She is convinced no one will want to see her on visitor's day. What happens is worse: Nathan does come, and is unsympathetic to his his mother's plight. Which is a dick move given his own attempt a while back. But selective amnesia is a thing here. Nathan has Mouth and Skillz remove all the booze from the house in anticipation of her return. It's a lot of booze.
Brooke is nervous about Haley poking around for the culprit of the stolen tests, especially after she receives good news that Victoria's Secret Lingerie will fund her clothing company. The contract has a morals clause, which Brooke will be in violation of if she is caught cheating. Rachel is still confident she and Brooke won't be caught, but the principal springs a surprise test on the tutor students!
Brooke passes the test. Rachel does not, but the blame falls solely on Haley. The principal fires Haley from the tutoring program. WHAT KIND OF GOD WOULD ALLOW SUCH A THING?
Dan buys Lucas an Armani tux, and does his damn best to dissuade Lucas from going on about the day of the murder(to spare Karen's feelings, he insists.) Dan chides Lucas for not taking his medication, and begins to pressure Karen into accepting an adoption of the squint.
The kids have a party using all of Debra's booze. Mouth is fed up with Shelley: one minute she's making out with him, the next she wants nothing to do with him. She's a basket case. Rachel is making a spectacle of of herself dancing on a table. Haley's vengeance will not be denied! She gives Rachel a face full of liquid(hopefully non alcoholic) and a slap across the face for good measure. Rachel leaves, and we see a flashback as she tells Brooke what really happened: Rachels signs Brooke's name to her own test, allowing Brooke to pass. And so Brooke would not b in violation of that morals clause.

CLIFFHANGER(S) Rachel longingly looks at a photo of herself with the other cheerleaders before putting it in a shoe box(next to other boxes with the names of other schools on them!) Mouth loses his virginity to Shelley. Shelley loses her mind and runs away. Everyone at the party sees a sex tape of Nathan and Brooke that was taped over some old game footage. Whoops! This is going to blow up the relationship between Brooke and Chase, Peyton and Lucas, Nathan and Hailey, Nathan and Lucas, Brooke and Peyton, Brooke and Haley, and Peyton and the Ravens mascot she kicked in the groin. Just kidding about that last one.
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