Tuesday, August 26, 2014

It's Alright Ma I'm Only Bleeding(Season 5, Episode 4)

Lucas gets a post card from his mother and sister Lily. They're  in Scotland! That answers that question.

Haley uses her powers of persuasion on Nathan to  deal with the Quentin situation. She thinks that Nathan can build a rapport with the kid somehow! Nathan convinces Lucas to put Quentin back on the team. Quentin reacts to  this news with his usual humble charm.

Brooke's store opening is only a day away. Victoria seems to have changed her tune about forcing her to go back back to New York. This possibly has strings attached. Brooke calls her assistant Millicent to fly to Tree Hill to assist her! Millicent Huxtable! She's deluxe-able! That's all I got.

Victoria treats Millicent like she's an old hag with bubonic plague. It's probably the glasses, right? Women with glasses in film and television are automatically considered hideous freaks(See Rachel Leigh Cook in She's All That.)

Peyton's music group isn't working out: the lead singer(Jason) is a total dick. He won't take any advice from Haley at all, even after he discovers she was a top selling pop star. He refers to  Haley as Peyton's "lesbian girlfriend" who probably "played a church organ." That shit ain't right.

Haley doesn't think that shit is right, either: she gets rid of Federline. She knows the real talent in the band is the backup singer Mia. The band leaves, Mia stays. Mia is played by Kate Voegele, who used One Tree to launch her real life singing career. She's also about to get thrown into all the crazy shenanigans going on in town. I feel for her.

Victoria lays her charm on Peyton at Brooke's opening: she talks about Brooke's loser friend who couldn't hack it in Los Angeles. She means Peyton! Ha ha. She also says she's staying in Tree Hill to keep the "parasites" from exploiting her daughter. Lovely.

Mouth seems to hit it off with Millicent Huxtable, but his crazy cougar boss is hanging around. She brought a date with her to the party, and Mouth realizes his relationship with her will probably never get past the sex phase.

Nathan attempts to reign in Quentin's devil may care attitude. Quentin repays Nathan by calling him a crippled old has been.Someone punch him already.

Brooke's opening is a failure, because she only sold a couple of items. The cost of the party will put Brooke in the red. Victoria gloats over what a pathetic loser her stupid daughter is for opening a high end fashion store in a stupid little jerkwater town. Peyton comforts bruised broken Brooke!

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