Saturday, August 16, 2014

I only watched it for....JENNIFER GARNER!

Arthur(2011) is a remake of the classic 1981 film starring Dudley Moore. It features Russell Brand, as the title character, a playboy who spends his days engaging in drunken shenanigans, much to the chagrin of his caretaker/parental figure Hobson. Hobson is played by Helen Mirren here, and John Gielgud in the original. Apart from the gender switch, the characters are essentially the same: Hobson is a Brit with a dry biting wit who doesn't put up with Arthur's man child shit!

Arthur will be cut off form his inheritance if he does not marry Susan, his mother's assistant(played by JENNIFER GARNER!)Susan is not very likeable, but she sure doesn't deserve what happens to her in the movie:

A drunken Susan shows up to seduce Arthur. Arthur wants none of it despite the fact that Susan is wearing sex lingerie. Susan attacks Arthur, and as the two of them are crawling around on the floor, Susan gets stuck on the bottom of Arthur's bed.

You see, Arthur has this big round bed that hovers in the air on a magnetic field. Susan crawls under it and the metal in her outfit causes her to stick to it. HA HA!


That never would have happened to her character in 13 Going on 30!

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