Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Heart Brings You Back(Season 2, Episode 11)

The knock on Nathan's door isn't Haley: it's her sister Taylor stopping by for a visit. By the way, Haley didn't go to New York with Chris Keller. That was Haley's daydream. Nathan knows Taylor, in fact Taylor is the first girl he had sex with before he became such a nice guy.

Taylor is a trouble maker! She got kicked out of school for sleeping with her professor. She flirts with Nathan a lot. Haley wants her sister gone, but Nathan wants her to stay, but just until she gets her life on track. Can Nathan resist Taylor's devil may care attitude?

Lucas has rejected Anna's advances to pursue Brooke.( Brooke is with Felix!)Anna tearfully tells her new buddy Peyton about the dumping. Then she kisses Peyton right on the mouth. Whoa! Anna is quickly embarrassed and splits.

Anna admits she's bisexual. The rumors spread all over her old school, which caused her family to leave and move to Tree Hill.

Jules is now working at the club. Lucas because suspicious of her when he she gets a call and he sees Dan's number on her cell phone display. Jules spills her guts: She was in an accident and racked up a lot of medical bills. Dan answered an ad she posted on the web and paid her in exchange for seducing Keith. But..surprise! She fell in love with Keith for realz and now regrets the whole thing. Lucas prepare to tell Keith the truth but wimps out at the last second. Because he has no spine..I mean spleen.

Karen calls Andy and another lady answers! He's not cheating on Karen...he caused an accident many years ago and now pays restitution to the woman by visiting her and stuff. That's why he's Perfect Andy!

Jake has decided he's tired of working crappy jobs and hiding from from the authorities all the time. Peyton travels with him to Savannah to bring Jenny back to Tree Hill. Nikki's still out there on the loose! Plus he'll go to jail for kidnapping.This is not a good plan.

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