Saturday, June 14, 2014

How Can You Be Sure?(Season 1, Episode 19)

A pregnancy test seems to confirm that Brooke is indeed pregnant. Dan sees her and Lucas coming out of the family planning clinic and offers some unwanted advice" he tells Lucas to force Brooke into an abortion. (It's what Dan wanted to do to unborn Lucas, but that damn Karen was too strong willed.)

Lucas tells his mother about is unholy spawn and she responds by smacking the taste right outta his mouth! It's a good bit of acting from Moira Kelly: Karen is angry at first, but then shocked at the slap, and there's possibly a little self loathing there, too. They both cry, cry, cry at the desperate situation.

Nicki is none too happy that Peyton is close with Jake and Jenny. She begins stalking Peyton, and discovers that Lucas is on the basketball team with Jake. 

Nathan is having trouble paying the rent on his new apartment, and he intends on selling his new Mustang his father gifted him. Haley offers to chip in(she actually uses the phrase "sugar mama".  

Nathan gets mixed signals from Haley's tattoo: "why would she get his jersey number on her backside, but won't have sex with him?" he wonders. Haley wants to wait for marriage, but she seems to be caving to Nathan's pressure. Will Haley cave?

WAIT! Brooke faked her pregnancy, to get revenge against Lucas for sleeping with Peyton. Only they didn't sleep together. Lucas still deserved some comeuppance for his shoddy treatment of Brooke, though. She stayed by his side the whole time he was in damned coma. I'm not sure if this was the right kind of comeuppance, though. Anyway, Lucas doesn't seem to have learned his lesson, at least in my opinion.

Dan sets in his office at the dealership and looks at photos and newspaper clippings of young Lucas that he's been keeping for years. Maybe he's not as hard as he seems. Or maybe this is part of some long con he's constructing....

Adventures Of Keith:  Karen turns down Keith's proposal because she still wants to travel and other stuff. Keith seems to be at a crossroads, and hints that he may be leaving Tree Hill for good(his selling of the engagement ring at a pawn shop seems to be evidence of that.) Poor Keith gets no Respect!

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