Sunday, June 15, 2014

What Is And What Should Never Be(Season 1, Episode 20)

Nathan's freeloading friends have taken over his apartment for use as a party pad, so Haley decides to throw her OWN party as a way to take it back. It's doesn't sound very logical, but come one it's Haley!

Dan demands Nathan repay him for the Mustang. Doing so wipes out Nathan's savings, so he must gain employment. He starts at the mall pretzel shop, where his boss is a kid he used to bully around. Karma, I guess. Anyway, he is predictably horrible at it, dropping stuff on the floor and ignoring customers and shit.

Nathan's boss(Gary) thinks he's a spoiled rich boy. On top of that, he needs Nathan to stay at work late. But he'll miss Haley's party! It's not fair. Almost like real life. Gary's opinion of Nathan seems to change when Dan pays a visit to belittle his son's new found responsibility., and he lets Nathan go home early after all. Crisis averted!

Brooke decides she is not finished with revenge, not by a long shot. She meets Nicki at the bar and they decide to crash Haley's party.  Brooke and Nicki throw verbal barbs at Peyton. Peyton responds in kind, and all heck breaks loose! Peyton and Nicki have a fight that demolishes damn near everything. Brooke is jarred by the destruction she has wrought, and realizes that "Hey, that Nicki chick is crazy."

Nathan shows up just in time to witness the aftermath. He smarts off to a cop for some unknown reason and goes to jail, prompting another meltdown from Dan.

Adventures Of Keith: Keith is moving to Charleston to teach auto shop at a high school. He has an interview and wears a suit and everything! He's leaving in two weeks(which is probably two episodes from now.)

Haley is shocked, I say shocked that so many people came to her party. I mean, it seems like just yesterday people were treating her like Laney Boggs from She's All That. Now she's suddenly popular. With great power comes great responsibility....

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