Friday, June 27, 2014

Don't Take Me For Granted(Season 2, Episode 10)

Nathan demands that Haley stop seeing Chris Keller, which Haley of course will not do. Nathan tries a different approach: he threatens to crush Chris Keller like a bug if Chris Keller takes sexual advantage of Haley. He's so manly!

Peyton arrives at school to discover that someone has painted  "DYKE" on her locker. Peyton "protests" this by painting the word on her shirt as an act of reappropriation, and promptly gets suspended by the principal. Peyton takes the shirt off right there in the hallway and leaves! Owned.

Adventures Of Keith: Dan is back at the dealership. He offers Keith a position as his assistant manager. Jules urges Keith to go back to Charleston to that teaching position he gave up. Despite this very good advice, Keith accepts the job.

Karen goes ballistic upon hearing that Lucas refused his heart test. And how! 

Karen says basketball is over for Lucas until he takes the test. Lucas' river court buddies are so afraid of Karen that they make Lucas leave when he shows up to play with them. Finally someone makes a level headed decision. The revelation of Nathan being in the clear seems to bring Nathan and Haley back together, until Chris Keller tells Haley he's leaving this craphole to go to New York(he also kisses Haley).

Mouth gets wasted and smashes Brooke's windshield. Brooke thinks Felix is responsible and flattens his tires. Long story short: Felix and Brooke are back together again.This is all very tedious.


CLIFFHANGER(S)! Keith calls Jules to profess his love to her answering machine. Jules listens apprehensively...but wait a minute! Dan is with her and he seems very pleased at this. Jules works for Dan!!!  Haley goes to New York with Chris Keller. Peyton is buying drugs from that Rick guy when an unexpected visitor's Jake! If I was a fanboy, I would scream! 


Best episode ever! Oh Crap.

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