Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Let The Reigns Go Loose(Season 2, Episode 7)

Chris Keller will play at Peyton' s club opening, but first Chris Keller has a list of things she must provide him with such as cantaloupes, no. 2 pencils and magnum sized condoms(ewww!) Peyton hates Chris Keller,  but has no choice because there's no one else to play. Haley doesn't know if she can sing, because she's completely terrified of public humiliation. Worried Haley face!

Peyton worries that no one will show up to the opening. Ha ha! It's a small town. There's nothing else to do! When Haley sees the throng of people she's completely freaked out, and possibly on the verge on a panic attack.

Keith and Perfect Andy meet. It's a little awkward, especially when Andy presents Karen with gifts meant for a little boy, and Keith mentions he's bringing Jules as a date to the club. These adults are just as clueless as the kids sometimes! Lucas and Andy hit it off pretty well once the initial confusion is over.

Brooke tries to get money by collecting for a fake charity, as well as selling her blood. Despite this, she can only afford a cheap polyester dress that cause her to break out. Mouth still thinks that she's the bee's knees though, and makes his move. Brooke says Mouth is really sweet and loyal, like a little brother. Ouch! Denied.

Mouth takes his frustrations out on Felix. Felix has brought another cheerleader(minor One Tree Hill character Theresa!) to the party to piss off Brooke, and this upsets Mouth. Felix pushes Mouth, which leads to a brief brawl between Felix and Lucas.  Mouth takes passed Brooke home and confesses his love to her. It' s all very heartbreaking.

Chris Keller doesn't think the crowd is paying him the proper reverence, so he bails out. Actually he does this to snap Haley out of her panicked state. And it works! Haley sings a ballad that would make a statue of Vladimir Lenin cry. Chris Keller is so impressed he asks Haley to come sing with at a recording studio.

Adventures Of Keith: Jules asks Keith if he wants to spend the night at her place. Why yes, as a matter of fact, he would love that! Keith scores.


CLIFFHANGER(S)! Peyton and Haley find the agent that gave her the cocaine partying with his groupies in the back room of the club. Felix tells Lucas to stay away from Anna or he'll be sorry, punk!


  1. "Felix tells Lucas to stay away from Anna or he'll be sorry, punk."
    It seems that characters in soaps simply can't comprehend the fact that making such hyperbolic threats would yield jackshit.

    1. Not much more of Felix, thankfully. He's gone before this season is over.
