Sunday, June 29, 2014

Between Order And Randomness(Season 2, Episode 12)

Just  when I thought Brooke was going to be doing more interesting things, she got stuck in this horrible Felix storyline. However in this episode something different happens! Brooke has her own thing. I think she deserves her very own category now....

Oh, That Brooke!  She needs money to pay for her car insurance, so our heroine gets a job a the local crab shack. There aren't any waitress positions, so Mister Crab Shack Carl offers Brooke a "PR" job, which involves wearing a costume and shouting a slogan outside the restaurant.

Brooke quickly realizes being a working stiff ain't all it's crabbed up to be. She's harassed by bratty children, and even Felix show up to taunt her and take photographs. Plus she only gets paid fifteen bucks for six hours of work. Something's definitely wrong there. But wait....

 Brooke gathers all the other crab girls together in a show of solidarity! She's done her research, and knows that Mr. Crab Shack is violating several laws. Mr Crab Shack fires everyone, until Brooke announces her intentions to picket the restaurant, revealing that the damn crab sold there is not fresh , but frozen! Mr. Crab Shack gives in to demands for better pay and more work breaks.And behold...Brooke has made the world a better place for regular folks. The end.

When confronted by Lucas, Dan admits he hired Jules to seduce Keith to get revenge on Keith for sleeping with Debra. This isn't the end of Dan's machinations...he invites Keith and Jules for dinner at his place and taunts everyone(including his wife) with thinly veiled references about his knowledge of things(and to show them who the man is). He's a magnificent bastard.

Taylor is still flirting relentlessly with Nathan, and she threatens to pull the trigger on her past with Nathan when he threatens to throw her out of the apartment. Nathan decides to keep things a secret longer. Oh wait... he tells Haley he slept with Taylor. That's new. HALEY MAD!  Anyway, Taylor isn't all bad...she communicates with Chris Keller on a chat room while pretending to be Haley and cuts off contact, maybe for good.

Haley and Taylor bond. That's sweet. Oh look, they have a tattoo in the same place! Taylor's tattoo is a scorpion, if anybody cares.

Lucas is finally convinced to take the heart test by Keith. They take the test together. Keith asks Lucas to be the best man at his wedding. Uh oh!

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