Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Search For Something More(Season 1, Episode 8)

Brooke doesn't remember the damage she's done, but she feels sorry about it anyway. She sets up Nathan and Haley on date. She also has a plan for her and Peyton...a party at Duke University! That is totally going to go well for the both of them.

Karen reveals she's been accepted to a cooking school in Italy, which probably means Moira Kelly is going to be absent for a few episodes. Boo! Keith promises to take care of things while she's gone. Will his problem with the booze rear its ugly head?

Peyton has met a guy at the party who shares her interest in vinyl records.That's nice. Oh wait, he's putting something in her drink. Something tells me that ain't artificial sweetener. Brooke rescues Peyton just as she's about to be raped.

Brooke calls Lucas and he rides to the rescue! He lays the smackdown on rape boy. Lucas comforts Brooke and they share a special moment. (Peyton is okay. It was just a sedative, I guess.)

Nathan lays on the charm with Haley, and he's in the zone. Nathan chokes when his friends show up and he's afraid to admit he's on a date. Haley bolts. SO CLOSE!

The next morning Nathan tries to wake up Haley by doing that lame "throw rocks at the window" thing. But she's already standing behind him(I suspect teleportation powers) and Nathan goes for it!  He plants a kiss right on her.  And then they full on make out. I think my eyes are watering. Damn allergies....

Brooke visits Lucas at the riverside basketball court. She meets Marvin, who is nicknamed Mouth for obvious reasons(he likes to talk about sports). Mouth is immediately smitten with Brooke. This will come up again later!

Lucas like Brooke. But he's in love with Peyton. Peyton and Brooke are best friends. What is he going to do? This place is a mad house. A MAD HOUSE!


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