Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The First Cut Is The Deepest(Season 1, episode 16)

Lucas has a shoulder injury from the crash which preclude him from playing on the team. Whitey benches him for the foreseeable future. This development combined with the problems of Peyton and Brooke make Lucas moody! You wouldn't like him when he's moody.

Moody Lucas lashes out at Haley and his mom at dinner, so he bails and goes to the bar, where he meets a mysterious bombshell named Nicki. She looks like trouble! After they break into an amusement park and make out on a carousel, Lucas takes Nicki to the cafe, where Nicki vanishes. What's that about? Is she a ghost?

Peyton and Brooke put aside their differences long enough to go looking for Lucas at the behest of Karen, but when they discover he's left with Nicki, it's back to the rivalry. Peyton leaves Brooke at the bar to go and watch Jake's daughter Jenny. Did I mention he's a cool dude? 

Jake and Peyton appear to be getting close, when suddenly there's a knock on the door. It's Mystery Nicki! She's the mother of Jenny. Oh, dear.

Dan offers to buy the auto shop from Keith. He even wants Keith to stay on as his employee, out of the goodness of his heart. Could this be a brand new Dan? Is the Pope Protestant?

Debra reveals her secret to Nathan: she cheated on Dan, and when she was away Dan became the monster he is now. Nathan is sick of both of his parents and petitions to become emancipated. Oh, snap!

Haley stays up all night long trying to score Sheryl Crow tickets off E-Bay, but fails. But then Sheryl Crow walks into the cafe for a cup of coffee. Haley blackmails Sheryl Crow to sing for the coffee rather than paying. Yes, that actually happens. Sheryl Crow sings The First Cut Is The Deepest, because it's the name of this episode!

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