Thursday, June 5, 2014

You Gotta Go There To Come Back(Season 1, Episode 10)

The team is bummed that basketball is cancelled, with two exceptions: Jake, who's exhausted from his father duties and his school duties, and Nathan, who seems to have a new perspective on things.  Jake reveals the existence of the baby to Lucas and we learn that the mother of Jenny is no longer around(this will come up again later!)

Debra has been running the cafe while Karen is in Italy. Things have been running slow, so Haley suggests an open mic night to drum up business. She also convinces Peyton to draw up flyers to advertise, because her drawing skills are lacking. That Haley is an entrepreneur, she is.

 Debra wants Lucas' opinion on these matters, so she decides to ask him at the grocery store while he's buying condoms with Brooke. Awkward. Keith interrupts Lucas making out with Brooke. Keith tries to explain to Lucas that  mattress dancing with Brooke might be a bad idea, because of past family history and all.(Cue cries of "You're not my father!" and "Mind your own business!")Lucas forgets to receive his mother's phone call, but Keith totally covers for him. There's still that whole tattoo thing they have to explain, though.

Dan tries to mend  fences with Nathan by taking his son on golf trip , which quickly turns into Dan's usual competitive"taunt Nathan for being weaker than him" thing. Nathan's had enough. He blames Dan for the steroid incident and wants his parents to get a divorce, like right now.

Peyton just happens to run into Gavin Degraw at THUD(the magazine that printed her artwork!). He's the singer of I Don't Want To Be, The One Tree Hill theme song that played a billion times on the radio. He sings it again here so now it's a billion and one.

Jake shows up at the open mic night and sings a ballad for Jenny that melts the hearts of all the ladies in the room. Peyton seems especially discombobulated. It looks like they might bcome a thing, hmm.   

The atmosphere of the whole thing does wonders for everyone's mood. Lucas asks Nathan to join him and his buddies for a game at the riverside court. Keith takes Whitey to watch, and the cranky old SOB seems to decide that it's damn timeto un-cancel basketball, dammit.

Gavin Degraw is a real life singer, but also a singer on One Tree Hill.  Do the people of Tree Hill realize his song is their theme? Maybe fictional Gavin DeGraw has to keep singing the song to keep the tv show universe from collapsing. Does fictional Gavin Degraw know there is a real Gavin DeGraw? These are things I think about. I'm tired of typing the name Gavin Degraw.


  1. What kind of teen DEMANDS his parents to get divorced?!

    1. The immature kind. He probably sees it as an easy solution to his problems, rather than the custody battle mess that it would actually be.

    2. And given the type of mess it generates in the latter seasons (Karen's baby daddy being killed, Deb getting a violent treatment et al) it seems so ridiculously fucked up in hindsight. How folks like this sort of shit is beyond me...
