Sunday, June 22, 2014

I Will Dare(Season 2, Episode 5)

That trouble making Felix punk is at it again. This time, he challenges all of our favorite characters to do this dare thing. everyone gets an envelope and must perform the task inside.  Everyone agrees, of course! Because it's the plot of this episode.

Lucas must return a bunch of clothing to different stores in the mall. The only catch is that he must be wearing each item at the time of return. The security guards don't take too kindly to an almost naked kid walking around, but these are comically inept security guards, and Lucas escapes with the help of Anna, the new girl at school. Anna is nice enough to help Lucas finish his tasks, which involve making out with someone in a photo booth. Hey, he's lucky she showed up.

The other kids get involved in shenanigans, too! Haley dodges baseballs in a batting cage. Peyton almost vomits trying to eat pickled eggs. Nathan and Tim deliver girl scout cookies(while wearing the uniforms). And I can't forget Mouth at a bar singing that "Baby Got Back" song. I can't forget, no matter how hard I try.

One of Peyton's tasks involves pranking a priest in a confessional(NOT COOL), but she owns up to her recent cocaine use instead. She actually used the drugs! Wow.

Brooke and Felix end up at a graveyard stuck in an empty plot, dodging cops. Felix hints that his smug persona seems to be just a cover for some insecurities. But I don't buy it. He's wooing Brooke. That's right. He is. 

Lucas keeps the Anna photos a secret from Felix. Of course he doesn't know that Anna is Felix's sister. Anna thinks Lucas is just dreamy!

Perfect Andy is spending way too much time outside class with Karen, which must violate some kind of rule. A woman named Jules comes to the dealership car shopping and has a meet cute with Keith over a test drive. Things seem to be turning around for Keith lately!

This episode suffered from less Haley. Less Haley means worse show. I'm going to go and  try to find comments from when this first aired to see what people thought of this Felix character.                                                                                               

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