Saturday, June 7, 2014

Crash Course In Polite Conversation(Season 1, Episode 12)

Dan's parents, Royal and May stop by for Dan's birthday! Dan and Debra decide to hide the truth about...well, everything that's been going down lately, but it doesn't work out that way. Royal is pissed to discover that Nathan has quit the team, until the incident with the steroids is revealed. Dan's mother has a revelation herself...she helped Dan make a knee injury seem worse than it was so he could quit basketball because Royal bullied him mercilessly. Yeesh, this family! Haley is there and powerlessly watches all this unfold(obligatory Haley mention)

 Dan tells Nathan and Debra a different story: He quit basketball simply because it wasn't as fun for him in college as it was in high school. But Debra quit college too, meaning she threw her life away based on Dan's lie.  They're crazy, amirite?

Peyton's father(Larry)and his crew are lost at sea during a hurricane. A body is recovered, and Peyton must identify it. Lucas agrees to travel with her on the four hour trip. Brooke stays behind to wait by the phone for news. Very trusting, that Brooke.

A bridge is out and Peyton and Lucas stay in a motel. They both sleep on the same bed(there's no way this is going to turn romantic). The dead body turns out to be NOT Larry, and Peyton is relieved. BUT WAIT! Brooke calls and tells her that the real Larry has been found alive. BUT WAIT AGAIN! Peyton has lost a necklace her dad gave her, and they rush back to the motel to look for it, where Peyton and Lucas make out and ALMOST do the mattress dance. These crazy kids on this show, amirite?

Peyton and Lucas feel very guilty, and exchange guilty glances. If Brooke finds out will there be second chances?


Dan's mother gives him a quilt made out of his old football  jerseys. Because the best gift is always the one that reminds you of the thing that ruined your life. Thanks, mom!

(Yikes! This one was a downer)

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