Sunday, June 8, 2014

Hanging By A Moment(Season 1, Episode 13)

Karen is set to return from her schooling in Italy. Keith is especially anxious, as he plans on embarking on a relationship with her. In fact it seems he's happy about how his life is finally getting on track. No! I've seen enough movies and shows to know that characters that start acting like that are in serious trouble.

Haley has a nightmare in which she's in the gym in her pajamas waiting to shoot a basket. Nathan and Lucas are cheering her on and the crowd chants "Tutor Girl, don't screw up" over and over. She throws the ball and it hit the floor right in front her. It's a performance anxiety dream: she's failing P.E. class and needs to pass to maintain  her 4.0 grade point average. She asks Lucas for help but he's too preoccupied with his love triangle troubles and blows her off.

Lucas and Peyton want to be together but are hampered by the whole "Brooke is always around" thing. They keep meeting in secret to make out. Haley witnesses this and is very upset. Look how upset she is! Oh my.

Haley visits the river court in an attempt to stave off failure, but she throws like a girl. Luckily, Nathan arrives to show her how to dunk and the two of them have "meet cute" number 100. Haley apparently passes her class after dunking one basket(that's crazy!)

Dan, showing no indication of insight or self awareness, blames Keith for his family woes. Keith is angry and unwisely tells Dan of his plans with Karen. Dan  tells Keith he is a pathetic loser who will always be alone. Keith begins to doubt himself and his future(I assume).

Debra catches Dan with a woman at the beach house. It's the last straw: she wants a divorce!

Haley confronts Lucas about his chicanery. Lucas don't want lectures!  He thinks Haley betrayed him when she feel for Nathan. When she confides in Nathan, he lets it slip that he originally intended to used Haley to mess with Lucas. Haley is flummoxed.

Keith and Lucas are on their way to the airport to pick up Karen.Keith runs a red light and gets rammed by another car. Dan witnesses the accident and takes unconscious Lucas to the hospital, where he finally admits Lucas is his son in order to authorize treatment. Keith has a concussion and has apparently been drinking. HOLY TOLEDO!

Lucas flatlines on the operating table, just as Karen arrives and gets the bad news.Yes, this show is nucking futs.


                                Keith drank that booze, he should not have                                                                   And then he got in that car and drove                                                                           And they went crash on the street, yeah                                                                                 They went crash, on the street        

                         (sung in the style of Dave Matthews Band Crash Into Me)   

(Seriously, though. She has to shoot a basket or she fails P.E.? Come on. She's got a 4.0 grade point average. She's tutoring the other students. They could cut her a little slack.)


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