Monday, July 14, 2014

A Multitude Of Casualties(Season 3, Episode 5)

Brooke and Peyton host cheerleader tryouts! But in the tradition of such films as Bring It on, The Replacements and Bring It On Again, all of the candidates are goofballs(like a Jedi knight geek!)But then, a savior arrives!

It's Rachel!  Rachel does a routine that would make a blind man see! Brooke's competitive nature causes her to be immediately wary of Rachel. Peyton is very impressed. Rachel is very.....agile. Watch it as many times as you want! 

Rachel doesn't wait any time making her play! She sets herself up for a date with Lucas. he doesn't refuse(why would he?) Rachel takes Lucas to Brooke's job at the mall and makes Brooke angry(and jealous) by acting bitchy.

Mouth has auditions too. He's looking for candidates for an announcing partner. The only person that shows up is a girl(Gigi)and she seems ill suited for the job. She's too shy and awkward.

Chris Keller surprises Haley at the record store and petitions her to work with him. Haley rejects him because she now believes that the breakup of her marriage was totally her fault. If you hear a lie often enough you might believe it.
Chris Keller is a little disillusioned, but Nathan has a plan B. He flat out tells Haley to work with Chris Keller as a test to win his trust back.

Shenanigans at the Midnight Madness game: Whitey is none too happy to allow Dan to give a speech stumping for Mayor."Where's Lee Harvey Oswald when you need him?" Whitey wonders aloud. Whitey announces he's voting for Karen!

Rachel is usurping Brooke's authority as cheer captain! Rachel changes Brooke's routine by adding in her own bodacious moves(like the ones in that video up there). This quickly leads to fisticuffs! Brooke slaps Rachel! Rachel lays out Brooke with a punch! Peyton takes down Rachel! Peyton kicks the mascot in the testicles for some reason! Haley who is a cheerleader once again, is there somewhere, but there isn't a clear shot of what she's doing.

Lucas takes issue with Nathan's shitty treatment of Haley. They fight,  and it spills out into the court with the cheerleader melee! Coach is righteously pissed.

Lucas finds Rachel naked in the backseat of his car after the chewing out by Coach. Brooke is upset that Rachel stole her signature move! She punches Rachel in retaliation for Rachel punching her out earlier.

CLIFFHANGER!  Haley appears at Chris Keller's doorstep. Chris Keller is very pleased to be working with Haley again.


  1. "Peyton kicks the mascot in the testicles for some reason!"
    THAT IS UNCALLED FOR! It doesn't matter how pretty Peyton is, but that's just... (puts on sunglasses) LOW!

    1. Collateral Damage! Hope he wore a cup.

    2. And what's with all the shit-eating grins too? Dan, Chris Keller...

    3. Visual Cue?
      Dan Shit-eating grin: Dan is up to no good
      Haley Doe-eyes: Haley is sad
      Lucas squint: Lucas is thinking really hard

      Too many more to count.
