Sunday, August 3, 2014

Things I Forgot At Birth( Season 4, Episode 2)

Cooper awakens from his coma! He covers for Rachel by claiming the accident was all his fault as a result of speeding. Cooper is worried about Rachel's pregnancy, but PLOT TWIST! She made it up, to get back at him for spurning her. That seems very familiar. COUGH! Season One with Brooke COUGH!

 Cooper's awakening is a load off of Nathan's mind, though he still can't stop thinking about the accident. He has a nagging suspicion that someone ELSE was in the limo with him(other than Rachel and Cooper.) He claims that he jumped  in the river, everything went black, and then he woke up on shore. It sounds like something supernatural is happening.

Cooper departs Tree Hill. Suddenly Rachel doesn't seem so upset: she notices that Nathan has "Cooper's eyes." Yeah, she's in love with Nathan now. That's crazy! Like a sitcom, possibly titled Hey, It's Rachel!

Dan is apparently falling apart: he hears and sees the word "murderer" everywhere! He hears the delivery man say it. He hears himself say it on campaign commercial. He sees it written in huge letters on a semi trailer. Debra isn't much better: she harasses the customers at the cafe, and accidentally fires the gun she has hidden in her purse, knocking out a window. Karen confronts Debra about her return to the pill popping, leading to Debra and Karen dissolving their partnership. SAY NO TO DRUGS.

Dan believes he can gain repentance by helping Karen with her baby. Step one: he gives her  a crib he made.

Brooke spends her birthday at a stupid bar with crazy Rachel. It's obvious she has no fun at all. She goes to the mall(her favorite place of course)where she sees Lucas and Peyton. They went there in a vain attempt to win Brooke back, but she was too late. Rachel is enough to give Brooke a cupcake with a candle in it, though.

CLIFFHANGER(S):  Nathan is pretty sure that Adult Ghost Keith saved him from drowning.  Peyton returns home from the mall to find her half brother Derek waiting. Lucas convinces Whitey to put Skillz on the team.

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