Monday, August 25, 2014

My Way Home Is Through You(Season 5, Episode 3)

Lucas' writer's block is cured! Lindsay suspects that  this is due to Peyton's return to Tree Hill. Lindsay does seem jealous of Peyton. Some of this might have to do with the fact Lucas gave Peyton a space at Tric to open a new recording label. Yes, Lucas owns at least some part of Tric now.

Despite this, Lindsay visits Peyton at her new office and gives her a bamboo plant as a gesture of goodwill. Peyton sees this as Lindsay "marking her territory." Peyton throws the plant in the trash. 

Oh, and Peyton has a new band prospect already! The lead singer is played by Kevin Federline, bet known as Britney Spear's former husband. If anyone cares about that sort of thing. 

Brooke has bought Karen's cafe and is renovating it to turn into a Clothes Over Bros outlet. Victoria is hounding Brooke by phone, and is none too happy that Brooke wants to remain in Tree Hill. Victoria also questions the wisdom of a high end clothing store in  a small town, stating that it makes no sense. Actually she has a point there, but I don't think that 's the intention of the writers. We're just supposed to see her as a heartless stuck up bitch. And what happened to Karen and her baby?

Nathan is ecstatic about his improved mobility, but Haley isn't around to share his joy. New nanny Carrie is, however, and she makes Nathan breakfast. She's very hands on. Nathan enlists Carrie to drive him to the prison to visit his father.

Dan pumps Nathan for information about Jamie. Nathan informs him that he and Haley have told Jamie that Dan is dead. Nathan reaffirms his promise to keep his family away from Dan. Dan is sporting a wicked goatee. Not as awesome as his post heart attack beard, though.

Mouth's is still being bullied by his boss. Skillz tells him that this treatment is sexual tension, and Mouth takes this to heart. When bitchy boss goes off on him again, he plants  a kiss right on her!  She fires his ass on the spot. BUT WAIT! When Mouth tells her to take her hot body and go straight to heck, she jumps him right there in her office.

Nanny Carrie prompts Nathan to improve himself. She shows him the tiny shrine that Jamie has constructed to Nathan. She also gets him to shave off that damn beard.

CLIFFHANGER(S): The new Nathan apparently wants to make amends with dad. He leaves a photo of Jamie for his father at the prison.  Victoria arrives in Tree Hill to take Brooke back to New York and stop this foolishness once and for all! But Brooke just bought a house! It's not fair!

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