Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Worst Day Since Yesterday(Season 3, Episode 8)

Everyone in town is preparing for a big game. There's balloons and banners everywhere. The Tree Hill Ravens mascot skips down the sidewalks throwing confetti with happy children in tow, now fully recovered from Peyton's nut shot a couple episodes back. Phew! I was worried about him.

Brooke is beside herself with grief over her cheating on Lucas! She's also mortified that she would ever sleep with Chris Keller. Haley attempts to comfort Brooke by telling her that Chris Keller can be a charming dude, especially when he sings. The whole scene is played for laughs. as is the following one...

Nathan goes to the studio to pay Chris Keller for Haley's studio time. Chris lets it slip that the slept with Brooke, but it din not mean anything to him, because she's not his type(he prefers musicians). Nathan moves threateningly toward Chris Keller. Chris flinches and stumbles and falls into a potted plant. Nathan leaves without paying Chris.

Karen has an interview on a call in radio show to stump for mayor. Dan attempts to sabotage her by phoning in as "Keith, unemployed mechanic" and begins badgering her about her being unmarried, and being a single parent. Karen handles it rather well, compared to..every other time she deals with Dan.

Oh, That Brooke! The lady that runs the clothing store isn't entitled to pay Brooke for those clothes she designed. It was all in a waiver that Brooke signed but did not read. She is so upset by this and the Lucas thing that she skips the first game day meeting. and she lives for that kind of thing! Brooke and Peyton blitz the store and steal all the clothing she designed. Are they in trouble with the law now?

Bevin has been paying attention to Coach's plays, because she suggests a change in one of them. Coach tells Bevin to shut up, but then realizes that she's right. Bevin, a background extra in Season One, finally gets lines in Season Three.

Chris Keller goes to the Scott house to get Nathan to pay up. Dan answers, and while he gives the money, he entices Chris to do something for him in exchange for "real money". What?

Anyway, Chris Keller shows up at the school. He approaches Rachel in the hallway, and she rebuffs him, calling him an"old guy' and a "loser." But he's unfazed, because he's there to sing the National Anthem! He dedicates it to all the player's girlfriends. Nice to see him show the proper respect and decorum!

Peyton give Haley a ride to the game. She finally apologizes to Haley for being such a bitch to her for the past seven episodes! Give the audience what they want! Yeah.

The team loses the game, mainly because Lucas is distracted by Chris sitting in the front row. Was that Dan's plan? Pretty lame. Dan comes to the locker room to taunt the players, but Nathan is having none of that, prompting Dan to assault Nathan. Whitey appears with a baseball bat and is prepared to use it, oh yes. Exit Dan.

CLIFFHANGER(S): Rachel is nice enough to give Lucas a ride home. She tells him to move from Brooke. Lucas misinterprets this as a come on and pretty much calls Rachel a slut. She kicks his ass out of her car and makes him walk home. We see Lucas standing by the riverside , and he throws his bottle of heart medication in the water! Mouth shows Karen a cell phone video he recorded of Dan he assaulting Nathan in the locker room. Will this turn the election in Karen's favor?

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