Monday, July 21, 2014

I've Got Dreams To Remember(Season 3, Episode 12)

Haley's Nightmare:  Haley's guidance counselor tells her she can't go to Stanford, because she failed every test, including the friendship test.  She looks on in terror as Doctor Dan and Nurse Tim pronounce Lucas dead. She's bothered by something. Could it be Lucas and his heart I wonder?

Speaking of counselors, all the kids are discussing  their college plans, too.   Nathan wants to go to Duke, which is 2,000 miles away from Stanford! Peyton is ambivalent at first,but eventually comes around at Ellie's prodding.

Rachel pulls Mouth away from his meeting to help her out with the cheerleading routine in Brooke's absence. Actually Rachel convened an hour early to practice for the cheer tournament coming up. Rachel reveals the cheer tournament takes place the same time as Brooke's fashion competition! What will Brooke do?!

Brooke is upset that Mouth is paling around with Rachel and trying to usurp her leadership position. She tells Mouth "why not hang out with that Gigi girl," because she's a nerd, too. Mouth is very incensed by this. He wants the hot girl to like him! Bless his heart.

Keith seems very unconcerned about being interrogated! In fact he's absolutely giddy. This pisses off Dan, who over steps his bounds by barging in and roughing up Keith!

The detective says that while he did arrest Keith as a favor for Dan, he has no evidence to  hold Keith.  The detective mentions he SHOULD arrest Dan for assault. Dan laments that he cannot fire cops at will.

Keith takes it all in stride. He asks Karen out on a date  to the next game. Talent scouts will be there, and Dan is sure this will be Nathan's ticket to easy street. Nathan is sure it's his ticket away from his father.

Gigi has really taken to the announcing thing, even if all she says is sexual innunedos. Coach benches Nathan for skipping a class! Nathan did this because Dan decided to teach that day for some reason. Nathan gives  the team the win by telling Lucas how best to score. Lucas returns the favor by introducing Nathan to the impressed talent scout.

Brooke corners Mouth in the restroom and begs Mouth's forgiveness, which he grants, but he's still got a date with Rachel later. Everything's coming up Mouth!

CLIFFHANGER: Dan watches in jealousy as Keith enjoys dinner with Karen and Lucas at  the cafe.  Keith sends Dan away, telling him "that this isn't his life."  Dan having nothing to say for once, leaves.

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