Friday, July 4, 2014

Something I Can Never Have(Season 2, Episode 17)

Things are bad for Jake: He ran away, so he didn't know about that court hearing which granted full custody of Jenny to Evil Nicki. Jake seems to have one option left: prison. I knew coming back to Tree Hill was a bad plan!

Felix haphazardly leaves a shirt with red spray paint on it( in a goodwill box!) which Anna finds. It seems Felix is responsible for vandalizing Peyton's locker a few episodes back. Felix explains that he did this in order to take the heat off of Anna, because of those rumors about her sexuality(which turned out to be true). Long story short:  Anna turns Felix's ass in. Felix is expelled from school, Brooke breaks up with him., and his parents ship him off to military school. And that is the end of Felix on One Tree Hill! Thank goodness.

Keith is very upset to discover that Lucas and Karen knew about Dan's con and didn't tell him. So upset, in fact he actually considers leaving Tree Hill without looking back.  But first: Keith stops by the car dealership and does his best to strangle his brother to death. Dan is positively giddy about ruining Keith's life, which pushes Keith over the edge! Needless to say, Keith is fired from his job(not that he cares).

Karen gives Keith the file on Emily Chambers(Jules' real name) and he leaves in search of her.

Nathan drives and drives...and drives to GET HIS HONOR BACK! He has many flashbacks of happy times with Haley. Haley and Nathan record an answering machine message! Haley and Nathan come home right after getting married! It's a little on the nose.

Nathan finds Haley, only she's not the same person from those flashbacks. She's not wearing her wedding wing and tells Nathan that their marriage was probably a mistake. Then she walks away from Nathan and goes on stage to perform! Sadly, Chris Keller is not hiding in the shadows grinning deviously.

Lucas decides to keep living with Dan,  to try to bring Dan down! Lucas tells his mother that he is Dan's "one weakness."  I laugh at his naivete! Lucas witnesses Dan putting something(money? documents? Rambaldi artifact?) in the ceiling above his office desk at the dealership, so perhaps the worm will turn!

Oh, That Brooke!  Karen talks to Brooke's parents and convinces them to allow Brooke to In Karen's house! Disaster averted. This show know how to toy with the emotions! I guess that means  Lucas/Brooke romantic shenanigans again.


Lucas voice over!

"There will always be something to ruin our lives. It all depends on what or which finds us first. You're always ripe and ready to be taken." (Charles Bukowski)

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