Friday, May 30, 2014

Crash Into You(Season 1, Episode 4)

Nathan throws a party for the team at his parent's beach house. The show uses this setting to explore the character dynamics that have been established so far: Lucas and Nathan despise each other and their rivalry reaches a critical mass when Nathan shows a prom video of teenage Dan and Karen. Haley is keeping her tutorship of Nathan a secret form Lucas, and her pragmatism in dealing with the rivalry cause a strain in their friendship. To complicate matters, Peyton is aware of the tutorship and gives a warning to Haley about Nathan.

Debra has returned from a business trip, and she's none too happy with Nathan's jerkass attitude, or Dan's complete focus on basketball. She thinks spending more time at home will remedy this situation. Very naive.....

This episode with Peyton(and Brooke): So far , Brooke main character traits have been ditzy and horny. But here she shows real insight into Peyton's relationship with Nathan. While completely plastered, Brooke asks Peyton why Peyton allows Nathan to treat her like a doormat all the time. Peyton has been trouble by Nathan's treatment of Lucas, and the final straw comes when  Nathan decides to take Peyton's Mercury Comet on an impromptu joyride and crashes it, causing major damage. She breaks up with Nathan.

Debra visits Karen at the diner, and confesses that she's jealous of Karen and Lucas closeness. She forces Nathan to pay the damages to Peyton's car. Lucas refuses, and demands that Nathan stay away from him and Haley.

Lucas and Karen: Lucas wonders why Karen didn't push for child support and alimony from Dan. Karen explains that Dan would have used his aid as leverage in order to interfere in her life. Smart lady.

And finally, ponytail Haley! Just because.

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